Thank you to our 2022 volunteers.

On behalf of the global naturopathic community, the WNF would like to express its gratitude to our volunteers for so generously donating their time and expertise. Volunteers truly drive this organization. In addition to our Officers and Executive, there are nine active committees and seven translators who helped further the advancement of our profession. Thank you all very much! If we overlooked your name, please help us keep this page up-to-date by sending an email to

Jackie Arbuckle, ARONAH, Australia

Dr. Ryan Bradley, ND, NUNM, USA
Erika Brajnik, Naturopatinje, SAEKA, Slovenia
Jorge Neira Bravo, Naturopath, AANCH Chile

Tristan Carter, UTS, Australia
Dr. Brad Case, ND, DC, Bastyr University California , USA
David Casteleijn, Naturopath, NHAA, Australia
Ludivine Colas, Naturopath, centre André Henzelin, Switzerland
Dr. Greg Conolly, ND, Torrens University, Australia
Natalie Cook, Naturopath, Torrens University, Australia
Dr. Kieran Cooley, ND, CCNM, Canada
Phillip Cottingham, Naturopath, New Zealand

Dr. Nick DeGroot, Dean, CCNM, Canada
Alexia Delange, OMNES, France
Dr. Alioune Diaw, ND, Vitalopathie, France
Jill Dunn, PhD Candidate, NMHNZ, New Zealand

Wendy Ericksen-Pereira, ND, University of the Western Cape, South Africa

Dr. Moira Fitzpatrick, ND, AANP, USA
Cecilia Fontana, ANTHU, Uruguay
Tjana Kodelja Furlan, SAEKA, Slovenia

Cathrina Geldard, PhD candidate, Southern Cross University, Australia
Anne Gimalac, Navi – Recherche en santé intégrative, Switzerland

Tina Hausser, Heilpraktiker, Naturopath, OCN FENACO, Spain
Dr. Fernando Hellmann, ND, ABRANA, Brazil
Julien Henzelin, Naturopathe MTE, EPSN, Switzerland

Daniel Kieffer, Naturopath, CENATHO, France

Dominick Léaud Zachoval, Naturopath, AESCULAPE, France
Dr David Lescheid, ND, Germany
John Petter Lindeland, Naturopath, NNH, Norway
Dr. Iva Lloyd, ND, CAND, Canada

Dr. Griffin McMath, ND, AANP, INM, USA
Celine Manoloff, EPSN , Switzerland
Dr. Melissa A Murphy, PhD, Bastyr University, USA

Shawn O’Reilly, CAND, Canada

Dr. Benita Perch, ND, Integrated Association of Naturopaths of Hong Kong
Silvia Polesello, Naturopath, Istituto NeMI A.P.S., Italy
Marianna Pontini, Naturopath, Istituto NeMI A.P.S., Italy
Dr. Renee Purdy, ND, CAND, Canada

Rebecca Redmond, Naturopath, Southern Cross University, Australia
Dr. Daniella Remy, ND, Canada

Dr. Shavit Sachs, ND, SANA, South Africa
Dr. Paul Saunders, Phd, ND, CCNM, Canada
Dr. Imane Squalli, ND, CAND, Canada
Dr. Mitch Stargrove, ND, AANP USA
Dr. Amie Steele, ND, UTS, Australia
Sandra Storz, Naturopath, Wellpark College, New Zealand

Dr. Madeleine Tuson-Turner, ND, NUNM, USA
Janelle Tyme, Naturopathic student, CCNM, Canada

Dr. Ysu Umbalo, ND, Zambia

Colombe Verges, EPSN, Switzerland
Suhas Vinchurkar, B.N.Y.S., Ph.D., INYGMA, India

Dr. Jon Wardle, ND, PhD, UTS, Australia
Dr. Claire Watson, ND, CAND, Canada
Dr. Erin Willis, ND, ParticipAid, USA

Dr. JoAnn Yánez, ND, AANMC, USA
Yukiko Yoshihara, Naturopathic student, JNMS, Japan
Isabel Yost, Naturópata, Escuela de Naturopatía del Uruguay