The following is research that was initiated or supported by the WNF:
Thanks to the generous support of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctor’s Journal (CANDJ), the full Umbrella Review – 6 papers and an editorial – are completely open-access in this Special Edition: Vol. 30 No. 4 (2023) | CAND Journal.
Lloyd I, Cooley K, Steel A. The Role of Traditional, Complementary, and Integrative Healthcare (TCIH) Therapies and Practices in the Prevention and/or Treatment of COVID-19: An Umbrella Review. Vol. 30 No. 4 (2023) | CAND Journal.
Van De Venter C, Konn Cecile, Doherty MN, Purdy R. The Role of Minerals in COVID-19: An Umbrella Review. Vol. 30 No. 4 (2023) | CAND Journal.
Remy D, Murphy G, Mravunac M, Medina D, Taylor T, Konn C, Verges Holloway C, Zheng R. Vitamins for the Prevention and/or Treatment of COVID-19: An Umbrella Review. Vol. 30 No. 4 (2023) | CAND Journal.
Carter T, O’Brien C, Akinbodye T, Lloyd I. The Role of Movement, Exercise, and Breathing in the Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19: An Umbrella Review. Vol. 30 No. 4 (2023) | CAND Journal.
Oakes K, Saunders P, Lloyd I, Turner T, Gruska J, Gibbs B, Gleitzman S, Fabio Portella C, Friend J, Graham K, Leslie M. Herbal Medicine and COVID-19: An Umbrella Review. Vol. 30 No. 4 (2023) | CAND Journal.
Karzon R, Jackson A, Lloyd I, Hall A, Lee L. The Role of Nutraceuticals in the Prevention and/or Treatment of COVID-19: An Umbrella Review. Vol. 30 No. 4 (2023) | CAND Journal.
Murphy M, Barbaro D, Aucoin M. Diet and Nutritional Factors in the Prevention and Treatment of COVID-19: An Umbrella Review. Vol. 30 No. 4 (2023) | CAND Journal.
International Naturopathic Practice Survey
WNF Rapid Reviews. Based on the support of over 40 naturopathic researchers, practitioners and content experts, the profession has produced twelve rapid reviews related to the role of natural health products in treating acute respiratory tract infections. These rapid reviews were published individually and as a special issue of the scientific journal Advances in Integrative Medicine (Elsevier publication) and are open-access. The rapid reviews that have been included are: